AVR ISP 10 pin for programming

Hooking up AVR to programmer

Programming Target Board by ISP

If the programmer is used through 10 pin ISP connector, you need a target board with supported chip to load program into. Programmer cannot power your target board. You need to provide external power supply to your target boards. 

Minimum required schematic for your target board is described below for 40 pin AVR chip ATMEGA16/32 or similar IC. Your target board should have a 10 pin connector for ICSP. Make sure that the MOSI, MISO, SCK pins of microcontroller are not connected in your target hardware to other units so that it would not affect the programming signals. Crystal can be of any value as per your application. Once programming is finished the reset pin is released and target chip is put to run mode. Board VCC can be from 3V to 5V as per your application. Connection of VCC pin in 10 pin box header to ISP connector is optional.

ISP Connector

Following are the two types of Atmel Standard ISP Connectors.

The10 pin connector is 2x5 type 10 pin Box Header. Usually this connector is in the programmer as well required in target board. The connector has polarity protection slot to prevent accidently reverse connection and damage to programmer or target board. Target Board connector is same as on programmer which is connected through 10 way FRC cable.

What is an ISP Header?

An 'ISP Header' is the connector used to interface the cable which carries the programming signals from an external ISP Programmer to the Target System Circuit Board / Microcontroller. The programming signals are routed via the ISP Header to the Target Device on the Target System Circuit Board.

The header is usually in the form of either a 6-way or 10-way IDC 'box header' with 2 rows of pins on a 0.1" pitch. However, it can also be a Single-in-Line SIL Pin Header or in fact any form of custom connector.

What is an 'IDC Box Header'?

An 'IDC Box Header' is an off-the-shelf connector which interfaces to a mating IDC In-Line Plug connector on the end of a ribbon cable. The connector is made up of either 2 rows of 3 pins (6-way) or 2 rows of 5 pins (10-way) with 0.1" spacing between each pin. The term 'Box Header' is used as this type of connector features a plastic shroud (box) around the entire connector with a 'polarisation notch' which prevents the mating 'ISP Cable' from being accidentally plugged in the wrong way around. 

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